About this team member
Dr. Amy Gottfried was the first CSIE post-doctoral student at the University of Michigan where she worked with advisors Mark Banaszak Holl and Brian Coppola. With Professor Banaszak Holl’s research group she pursued mechanistic and synthetic inorganic main group chemistry as well as supervising undergraduate research students. With Professor Brian Coppola, she contributed to a significant redesign of the Honors Organic laboratory program and to the scholarship of teaching. Amy was the team leader of the Studio Chemistry project, where she worked on the problems of materials development, personnel training and coordination, and assessment. She participated in the National Peer Review of Teaching project. Dr. Gottfried is now a Lecturer in University of Michigan Chemistry Department.
- Design and Implementation of a Studio-based General Chemistry Course at the University of Michigan. J. Chem. Ed. 2007 84 265-270.
- Synthesis of a Digermane-Containing Tricyclic Nanodecadienedione Incorporating an Equivalent of Ring-Opened THF. Inorg Chem. 2004 43 7665-7670.