Matotek, Tanzia

Tanzia Matotek is an undergraduate Chemical Engineering (Honours) and Pharmaceutical Science student from Monash University, and is set to graduate in 2021. She completed her Honours research on microfluidic concentration of microplastics from deep-sea sediment, under Dr Jing Zhang‘s supervision in the Banaszak Holl group.

Berry, Stephanie

Stephanie majored in Biomedical Engineering and performed research using AFM to study the effects of various nanoparticles on the stability of lipid bilayers.  She graduate from the University of Michigan medical school in 2012 and is now at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

Duthie, Kristen

Kristen is an undergraduate at Allegheny College with a concentration in Biophysics and minor in Black Studies. She plans to attend medical school upon graduation with hopes of providing free health care to members of underserved communities.

Ahsan, Zubair

Zubair worked on organometallic research during the 2007-2008 academic year with Ajdin Kavara.  He helped uncover a unique set of C-H activation reactions mediated by Sn(II).

Zheng, Andrew

Andrew is performing molecular dynamics/molecular mechanics calculations to better our understanding of cell membrane/nanoparticle interactions.

Wang, Jia

Jia graduated from the Medical School at the University of Michigan and is currently in her residency in psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine.

Scott, Sara

Sara is an undergraduate majoring in chemical engineering who started working for the MMBH group fall 2002. She’s been building on earlier C-H activation chemistry and expanding the current C-H activation system to amines.

Trovitch, Ryan

Ryan earned his PhD working in Paul Chirik’s lab at Cornell University.  He is currently a post-doctoral fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Rieger, Daniel

Daniel entered the University of Michigan in the fall of 2000 and signed up for the introductory chemistry course.  This fateful decision was followed by taking the course section that Prof. Banaszak Holl was teaching.  At the end of the semester he inquired about opportunities for chemical research.  Since January of 2001 he has been performing Atomic Force Microscopy experiments on dendrimeric drug delivery agents and cells.

Vonderfecht, Tyson

Tyson is an undergraduate at the University of Michigan. He worked in the group with Zuzanna Cygan in the fall of 2001.

Edwards, Fern

Fern is an undergraduate at Cameron University .  She worked with us in the summer of 2001 on our Research Corporation funded project on germanium chemistry.

O'Neil, Rory

Rory is a University of Michigan undergraduate student and an advanced Tae Kwon Do student. He worked during the spring and summer of 2001 on our C-H activation project funded by the Research Corporation.

Betley, Ted

Ted was an undergraduate majoring in chemical engineering at Michigan.  He joined the research group after taking chemistry 302, the undergraduate course in inorganic chemistry.  Upon graduation in the fall of 1999, he started as a full-time research associate in the lab working on the AFM of dendritic drug delivery agents.  Ted completed research for two full papers on dendrimer imaging by AFM before departing.

He began graduate school at Cal Tech in the fall of 2000 joining the group of Jonas Peters.  Upon obtaining his PhD he joined the group of Dan Nocera at MIT for his post-doctoral fellowship.

Ted is now professor of chemistry at Harvard University.